

Sapporo Style

Sapporo is the capital city of Hokkaido.Sapporo Style is a brand which represent the lifestyle of the northern city. This branding aims at building an industrial network that will enter into business by using the strength of the brand of Sapporo City, and by cooperating with several industries and people. Since Hokusei established its branch in Hokkaido, the company has [...]

By |2022-09-15T05:47:54+09:00April 24, 2016|Categories: Blog|

Hokusei goes Ambiente 2016

Hokusei goes to Frankfurt to support MOMENTUM FACTORY ORII in February 2016. "Orii Marble" is  real copper or brass tiles which look like natural woods. If you are inspired with such material, pleae contact to us! Or if you would like to export your products to Japan, please drop by the following booth. The Association for the Promotion of [...]

By |2016-01-16T13:52:33+09:00January 16, 2016|Categories: Blog|
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